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DNSViz: A DNS visualization tool

DNSSEC options (hide)
  1. |?|
  2. |?|
  3. |?|
  4. |?|
  5. |?|
  6. |?|
  7. |?|
  8. |?|
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DNSSEC Authentication Chain

RRset statusRRset status

Insecure (5)
Secure (1)
  • int/SOA


Secure (8)
  • ./DNSKEY (alg 8, id 20326)
  • ./DNSKEY (alg 8, id 33853)
  • ./DNSKEY (alg 8, id 48903)
  • NSEC3 proving non-existence of
  • int/DNSKEY (alg 7, id 27433)
  • int/DNSKEY (alg 7, id 5687)
  • int/DNSKEY (alg 7, id 8289)
  • int/DS (alg 7, id 27433)

Delegation statusDelegation status

Insecure (1)
  • int to
Secure (1)
  • . to int


Errors (3)
  • NSEC3 proving non-existence of An iterations count of 0 must be used in NSEC3 records to alleviate computational burdens. See RFC 9276, Sec. 3.1.
  • NSEC3 proving non-existence of An iterations count of 0 must be used in NSEC3 records to alleviate computational burdens. See RFC 9276, Sec. 3.1.
  • has errors; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
Warnings (10)
  • NSEC3 proving non-existence of The salt value for an NSEC3 record should be empty. See RFC 9276, Sec. 3.1.
  • NSEC3 proving non-existence of The salt value for an NSEC3 record should be empty. See RFC 9276, Sec. 3.1.
  • RRSIG NSEC3 proving non-existence of alg 7, id 8289: DNSSEC implementers are recommended against implementing signing with DNSSEC algorithm 7 (RSASHA1NSEC3SHA1). See RFC 8624, Sec. 3.1.
  • RRSIG int/DNSKEY alg 7, id 27433: DNSSEC implementers are recommended against implementing signing with DNSSEC algorithm 7 (RSASHA1NSEC3SHA1). See RFC 8624, Sec. 3.1.
  • RRSIG int/DNSKEY alg 7, id 27433: DNSSEC implementers are recommended against implementing signing with DNSSEC algorithm 7 (RSASHA1NSEC3SHA1). See RFC 8624, Sec. 3.1.
  • RRSIG int/DNSKEY alg 7, id 27433: DNSSEC implementers are recommended against implementing signing with DNSSEC algorithm 7 (RSASHA1NSEC3SHA1). See RFC 8624, Sec. 3.1.
  • RRSIG int/SOA alg 7, id 8289: DNSSEC implementers are recommended against implementing signing with DNSSEC algorithm 7 (RSASHA1NSEC3SHA1). See RFC 8624, Sec. 3.1.
  • int/DS (alg 7, id 27433): No response was received until the UDP payload size was decreased, indicating that the server might be attempting to send a payload that exceeds the path maximum transmission unit (PMTU) size. See RFC 6891, Sec. 6.2.6. (2001:500:12::d0d, UDP_-_EDNS0_4096_D_K)
  • int/DS (alg 7, id 27433): No response was received until the UDP payload size was decreased, indicating that the server might be attempting to send a payload that exceeds the path maximum transmission unit (PMTU) size. See RFC 6891, Sec. 6.2.6. (2001:500:12::d0d, UDP_-_EDNS0_4096_D_K)
  • has warnings; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.

DNSKEY legend

Full legend
SEP bit setSEP bit set
Revoke bit setRevoke bit set
Trust anchorTrust anchor
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DNSSEC authentication graph