RRSIG kasetsart.org/NS alg 8, id 21934: The Signature Expiration field of the RRSIG RR (2024-03-29 14:29:58+00:00) is 16 hours, 17 minutes in the past. See RFC 4035, Sec. 5.3.1.
RRSIG kasetsart.org/TXT alg 8, id 21934: The Signature Expiration field of the RRSIG RR (2024-03-29 10:00:32+00:00) is 20 hours, 46 minutes in the past. See RFC 4035, Sec. 5.3.1.
kasetsart.org zone: The server(s) were not responsive to queries over UDP. See RFC 1035, Sec. 4.2. (
kasetsart.org/A: No response was received from the server over UDP (tried 12 times). See RFC 1035, Sec. 4.2. (, UDP_-_NOEDNS_)
kasetsart.org/NS: No response was received from the server over UDP (tried 12 times). See RFC 1035, Sec. 4.2. (, UDP_-_NOEDNS_)
kasetsart.org/TLSA has errors; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
kasetsart.org/SRV has errors; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
kasetsart.org/NAPTR has errors; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
kasetsart.org/CAA has errors; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
kasetsart.org/CNAME has errors; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
jvlc8nm3sa.kasetsart.org/A has errors; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
kasetsart.org/PTR has errors; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
Warnings (8)
org to kasetsart.org: The following NS name(s) were found in the authoritative NS RRset, but not in the delegation NS RRset (i.e., in the org zone): mars.uni.net.th, mercury.uni.net.th See RFC 1034, Sec. 4.2.2.
kasetsart.org/TLSA has warnings; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
kasetsart.org/CAA has warnings; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
kasetsart.org/NAPTR has warnings; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
kasetsart.org/SRV has warnings; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
kasetsart.org/CNAME has warnings; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
jvlc8nm3sa.kasetsart.org/A has warnings; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.
kasetsart.org/PTR has warnings; select the "Denial of existence" DNSSEC option to see them.